Wednesday, November 6, 2013


Sunstone -CBS1013
 Sunstone is a feldspar family. Also known as aventurine-feldspar because of its similar characteristics.

This cabochon has a brilliant luster from inside which makes it attractive upon first glance.  To maximize size without sacrificing beauty, I just followed the curve of the stone and polished it according to its size. The next owner can have a chance to re-polish it into a desired shape or can wrap it as it is.

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Stone Bracelet Set-LAB18
Stone Bracelet Set-LAB18
Stone Bracelet Set-LAB18

Item CODE: Stone Bracelet Set-LAB18
Item Price: PHP185
Payment:  Bank Deposit, Money Transfer, Paypal
Cost of shipping : pHP250 anywhere in the Philippines
Ships every week.

Retail : Php 185
12 Pcs. - Php 170
24 Pcs.-Php4596